Monday, December 13, 2010

Opening Day

Well, what a great day today was! Our first day in the downtown studio.  We had lots of visitors; fellow artists, local retailers introducing themselves, curious passers-by, and all kinds of people who just saw us working and popped in to find out what we were doing.  Even some unusual people we'd never have met otherwise, like the Italian man who had just nipped over to NZ for three days after visiting his son on the 'GoldaCosta' and told us all about his little village south of Milano and called us 'due pittori' (two lady painters).  Fantastic.  Lots of good art talk!

The time just flew by and by 6 pm, it only seemed two hours, not seven.  I even got a small painting (a rooster, done in an 'art nouveau' stye) done from start to finish and Wendy, as usual full of surprises, was painting wonderful animal eyes on a fashion mannequin.

And tomorrow we can go back and do it all over again.  Yay!

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