Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oil painting commissions

Kate is especially happy today because she has finished a tricky little oil-painting.  It is a commission, along with another, for her dear German family who recently visited New Zealand.  They didn't manage to see much of the Coromandel Peninsula, and so wanted paintings of that kind of scenery to tempt them to come back.

The painting was tricky because the subject is back-lit, and so the edges of the pohutukawa trees near the direction of the sun, are an odd colour.  The road sign as a focal point is an idea she says she has the courage to use because of an example of another artist; James Gurney on his blog.  (By the way, you should check this guy out - he is very generous with tips and information).

Here is a view of the same general area.  Each of these are quite small - about 30 cm x 20 cm. (12 ins x 8 ins), and she used oils.  When they are completely dry (2 - 3 months) she will varnish them and send them off.

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